Airlines rating
86 place
Brussels Airlines
Brussels Airlines
Correlation of provided service and ticket price
Would you fly this airline once more?
Punctuality of flights and their match with the schedule
Would you recommend this airline to your friends?
Plane condition, its novelty
How fast and comfortable was the check-in?
Airport staff competence
Staff assisstance in resolving conflicts
In time boarding
Comfortable transfer to the plane
Quality of flight
Landing, comfortable transfer to the terminal
Seats comfort, distance between the seats
Comfortable temperature in the cabin
Food onboard
The presence of sockets, the Internet access
Cleanness of interior
Cleanness of toilets
The presence of pillows, blankets
Variety of onboard entertainment
Affability and courtesy in communication
Knowledge of foreign languages
Assisstance to passengers onboard
Possibility to check in online
Assisstance to passengers with children
Onboard entertainment for children
Assistance to disabled passengers
Variety of dishes on board
Variety of drinks on board
Assistance to passengers in case of flight delay / cancellation
Ease of baggage registration
Convenience of fees for excess baggage
Taking care of baggage
In case of lost baggage - help to search for it
Baggage delivery capacity
Basic information
Basic information
Country: | Belgium |
Year of founding: | 2006 |
IATA code: | SN |
ICAO code: | BEL |
Digital code: | 082 |
Airline contacts
Official website: | |
Address: | Brussels Airlines SA/NV - 100-102, Avenue des Saisons, box 30, 1050 Brussels, Belgium |
Phone number: | + 32 (2) 754 19 00, 0902 51 600 (€0,750 per minute), 078 18 88 89 |
Fax: | + 32 (2) 754 19 10 |
E-mail: | [email protected] |
Aircraft fleet: Airbus A330, Airbus A319, Avro RJ100 , Bombardier Dash 8 Q400